Greetings comrades, taking advantage of the recent Dakar Rally , I would like to talk about the heavy industry of Kamaz trucks, and of course watches.
The goals achieved by the country are commonly represented by the Russian watchmaking , so there are watches with the space theme, there are watches with the 1.980 Olympics topic, a few of them are focused on the Antarctica expeditions, also commemorative ones of the World War II Victory , etc.
It is not surprising that exists some watches with kamaz factory motifs, the Kamaz factory is established in the town of NáberezhnyeChelný republic of Tatarstan , near to Chistopol where Vostoks watches are made, on the banks of the Kama River, which is a tributary of the Volga River.
The Kamaz factory is the largest production factory in the world, the production of the first truck began in 1.976.
Before start showing watches, allow me the interruption, you already know how collecting goes , you start with one that attracts you, and then with another, you start looking and investigating, and more appear, you see that someone also have looked for them, and wrote about them. The friend that tells you that in such a site there is one on sale, and so on.
The watches that will be displayed belong to my collection.
Let’s start with the first one.
It is a Komandirsie with Generalskie case, type 35. There is no logo of the Kamaz factory, but it represents the Kamaz 4310 military truck
Kamaz military truck 4310 with 6×6 traction.
Russian trucks were created for the rugged terrains , to operate in extreme inclement weather, just as our watches, they are simple but hard and easy to repair, made to last.
Another watch with Kamaz motif, the Kamaz symbol is a horse, notice it has printed made in CCCP, then it must be earlier or equal to the 1.991 year .
This watch is similar to the previous one, but the drawing of the horse is yellow, this watch came in a chrome plated case , but the case was swapped by another one with Titanium nitride coating. We must always keep in mind, as a general rule, that if the indexes and hands are gilt, it corresponds to a gilt case, and if hands are chromed to a chrome plated case
Kamaz not only produced military trucks, but produced another truck types.
Log trucks, sometimes we have seen them in videos wading half-submerged rivers
Trucks for construction sites
But let’s continue with watches, the Kamaz factory is so large that it agglomerates other subfactories, which produce parts for trucks.
This above watch would represent the subdivision of Kamaz for engines, with the ubiquitous horse logo , the scheme of an engine in green color, and the characters of Kamaz diesel Plant.
The upper watch np3, would represent the division of shock absorbers, or leaf springs of Kamaz.
Apart from Russia, the Kamaz trucks are sold to China, North Africa , Eastern Europe and even Indonesia, PT. KAMAZ TRUCKS INDONESIA
In 1.991 year, the unit number 2.000.000 was produced , this below watch commemorates it
The red letters Kamaz Diesel are a little faded, by the sunlight.
Kamaz has survived till nowadays.
This watch will be from the year 2.006, thirty years since the first manufacture of a truck, back in 1.976
The watch is not Vostok is a Zaria, with a small women caliber, it has no seconds hand
This one is a Vostok , it also should be from the 2000s.
Thank you very much if you have arrived till here, maybe better to take a break , because we are going to participate on Rallyes.
The reason why these Kamaz trucks are known in the West , maybe are the competitions on Rallyes . Mainly the Dakar one. Although they also participate or have participated in the Rally Paris-Moscow-Beijing (1907) or in the Silk Road rally which cross Asia according to the traces of Marco Polo Silk Road – Wikipedia
A competition structure, the Kamaz Master Team was created, in the early 90’s.
These years were a tough ones, because in 1.991, the Soviet Union was dissolved, furthermore, in 1.993 , there was a fire and devastated the factory.
The Kamaz Master Team was made up of workers, engineers and pilots, exchanging the roles of the works to add synergies, and create a structure. The beginnings were very difficult, as it was said before, as a consequence the good results took time to arrive
This group of Vostok watches corresponds to the competition of the Paris-Moscow-Beijing Rally, in 1.991
The Kamaz Master Team did not win the race, that year.
1991 was the first participation of the Kamaz Master Team in the Paris Dakar Rally.
This watch is from the edition of 1.991 Paris-Tripoli-Dakar, it still has the inscription made in CCCP . The dial looks as corroded, but it came in that way from the factory, imitating the hardness of the desert and the strength to resist , both machines and watches.
Notice what we were talking about , chrome plated case goes with chromed indexes and silver hands.
This other one is from the 1992 edition , Paris – Tripoli – Le Cap. This watch has not still reached to me. The photo corresponds to the seller, I wanted to take advantage of the current 2.022 edition . I promise to take photos and edit the thread when it arrives.
Come on! A picture of a jumping Kamaz now.
Paris-Dakar 1991 and Paris Tripoli Le Cap 1992 editions.
This below watch corresponds to the 1.994 Paris-Dakar-Paris edition.
This is an automatic Vostok, the case is a strange one, type 52 is named.

Above, hand-winding Vostok, 1995 edition, Grenade-Dakar.
Kamaz Master Tram started winning rallies since 1.996
The Kamaz Master Team is made up by former champions who run the team, they have a training school for drivers and engineers, too.
This photograph could have been taken on a spacecraft with the astronaut crew.
To come to an end, a photo of the current Dakar 2022
We can see a Spanish classic Pegaso ,so called Egyptian, which races in the vintage category , surrounded by the Kamaz Master Team , first, second, third and fourth in the general truck position, at the current time.
Vostok Kamaz: da Parigi a Dakar (passando per Mosca e Pechino) –
Kamaz – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre